2023-05-31 09:21

Deprivation of licenses for a an administratie arrest and donations: results of an extraordinary certification

On May 29, 2023, the Qualification Commission conducted an extraordinary certification of attorneys, and considered the issues of termination of licenses for advocacy.

Based on the results of the extraordinary certification, the Qualification Commission made decisions on the possibility of terminating licenses for advocacy in relation to:

Yuri Kozikov, Artem Semyanov – in connection with the application of disciplinary sanctions against them by the Council of the Minsk Regional Bar Association in the form of expulsion from the bar for misconduct incompatible with the title of a lawyer (committing actions that discredit the title of a lawyer and the bar). Both were defenders in high-profile cases, they were subjected to a "raid on attorneys";

attorneys of the Vitebsk Regional Bar Association Alexander Ulasevich, Svetlana Yakusheva- in connection with the commission of misconduct by them, incompatible with the title of a lawyer (committing actions that discredit the title of a lawyer and the bar). According to unconfirmed information, the Qualification Commission considered charitable donations to solidarity funds to be such discrediting actions.